About DFN

About Dignity Freedom Network

We are a group of Australians and New Zealanders caring for oppressed peoples in South Asia. We desire to see marginalised communities set free through education, healthcare and empowerment.

Keep reading to learn more about how you can partner with us.

Our 5 main goals

Goal 1

See hope and dignity restored to marginalised women and girls through empowerment projects, economic development, health initiatives, community care and our anti human trafficking programme.

Goal 2

Provide quality, English medium education to vulnerable children though our child sponsorship programme and raising funds for schools in rural and remote areas of South Asia, giving the students an opportunity to feel valued; to strengthen their self-esteem by teaching them their human worth and social equality and dignity.

Goal 3

Provide valuable job training and vocational skills centres, enabling poorer women and children to escape poverty and build a brighter future for their family.

Goal 4

Helping create and support healthier communities by developing health education and disease prevention programmes and through our health clinics.

Goal 5

Raise awareness of the needs and the opportunity to help vulnerable communities.

Why we do what we do

Over the last 20 years our movement has responded to requests from community leaders to provide holistic English-medium education so marginalised children can discover dignity and freedom, affording them the opportunity to dream; and to provide freedom and restore dignity to at-risk girls and subjugated women.

We were asked to serve the poor, marginalised and outcastes. We focus on restoring the dignity and freedom of women and children who are the most vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. This is why we do what we do.

Where We Work

We work wherever the needs are greatest as identified by the national leaders, serving them in their calling to address injustice.

Vulnerable People

There are many marginalised and vulnerable communities in South Asia that need people to partner with them to break the poverty cycle.

Our Mission

Our mission is to restore hope and dignity to South Asia’s vulnerable people, particularly women and children. This is done by providing access to education, health care, advocacy, rehabilitation for victims of sexual slavery, community and economic development.

Our Vision

For South Asia’s oppressed and marginalised people to realise their human worth, dignity and gain self-reliance.

Our Values

Dignity: Believing all people have equal worth and intrinsic value, created in God’s image.
Prayer: Underpinning all we do.
Integrity: Doing what we say we will, transparently and accountably.
Communication: Keeping all stakeholders informed.
Excellence: Seeking constantly to improve.

We Need your Support

These women and children have the odds stacked against them from birth, but education and empowerment can restore their dreams and hopes, bringing transformation not only to them but to their families and to entire communities.