End of Financial Year 2024
EOFY: Give Life, Freedom and Hope
Our nationally led and run teams provide food to the hungry, healthcare to the sick, education to illiterate communities and access to government initiatives to the most vulnerable.
Thanks to the generosity of so many amazing partners, we are able to make a holistic response to the many needs which makes a HUGE difference in the lives of vulnerable communities.
Would you consider making a tax-deductible gift THIS financial year, helping restore hope and dignity to some of 'the least of these'?
All gifts are tax-deductible.

350 villages with an active presence
200 early marriage preventions
159 at-risk girls living in safety
660 social awareness programmes
717 Particularly vulnerable children enrolled in school
92 tele-health clinics operational in vulnerable communities
To donate click here, E: [email protected] or Ph 1800 949 774.

Direct credit details
To direct deposit, our bank details are:
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 033-178
Account Number: 435029
Account Name: Dignity Freedom Network Australia
Please reference your name, Gift Code(s) and quantity.
If this is your first gift, please send email us with your name and details so we can send you a tax receipt.
All gifts are fully tax-deductible.
Donate via credit card
Are gifts tax-deductible?
Yes, all gifts are fully tax-deductible
Banking has changed in India, can the funds be remitted?
Yes, our bank accounts are open, and funds are regularly being remitted.
What % of gifts goes to the project?
80% of every gift goes directly to the project. Extra remittance is regularly sent at the discretion of the board.