End Of Financial Year DONATION

End Of Financial Year: Bringing transformation, one life at a time

Make a difference this financial year, by making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE gift to DFN.
Would you consider giving a special donation THIS March, so
more  vulnerable women and children will receive practical, timely care, discovering that they have value and worth?

Donate to projects

With over 90 schools, 8 clinics, 91 telehealth clinics and an array of economic and skills opportunities, our teams are seeing substantive, tangible community church as impoverished communities are recovering hope and dignity.

To donate to projects that bring community transformation and restoring hope:

Account Name: Dignity Freedom Network New Zealand Trust Board
Account: 03-1509-0085320-00

Donate to operations

Our team are passionate about being a voice for those 'that have no voice'.

This year we have shared at three churches; New Wine & Festival One, five 'meet & greet' events, two ladies breakfasts, two high teas, raised funds for 41 Village Leaders through International Women's Day, started an intern programme, connected with a school, and have a group planning a walk in Japan to support these women and girls!

To donate to operational costs in New Zealand:

Account Name: Dignity Freedom Network Education Trust
Account: 12-3216-0124620-00

Education: School textbooks


Provide a student with a set of textbooks, workbooks, and exercise books needed for success for the new academic year.

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Education: Eye test / glasses


Testing of vision and the provision of glasses helps students with eye problems to study well. EOFYNZ2

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Education: School Uniforms


A school uniform pack includes two fresh new school uniforms, a sports uniform and shoes for one of our excited students!

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Health: Nutritional Supplements


Nutrition packs consisting of a blend of pulses and grains, combats malnutrition and helps women and children maintain better health.

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Healthcare: Feed a family


Provide a month of food to an impoverished family, restoring hope where grinding poverty has taken it’s toll.

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Health: Clinic Supplies


Medications, bandages and equipment are needed for our team to meet essential health needs for impoverished communities. EOFYNZ6

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Health: Telehealth clinic


Help expand our tele-health initiative into remote and rural areas, providing more families with access to healthcare.

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Empowerment: Skills Training


Provide a woman with the dignity of supporting her family. Training, sewing machine and materials are included.

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Where most needed: At-risk women and girls

Support a Village Leader working in her village to help empower women and protect vulnerable girls.

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Where most needed: Healthcare

Support an amazing Community Health Worker for 3 months, providing healthcare to impoverished communities.

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Where most needed: Education

Help us build better schools, up-skill staff, providing quality holistic English-Medium education for vulnerable children.

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Where most needed: Home Office

Any amount – your donation!
Your support will help our Home Office team to tell the story across New Zealand.

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Direct credit details

To direct credit our bank details are:
Bank: Westpac
Account Number: 03-1509-0085320-000
Account Name: Dignity Freedom Network New Zealand Trust Board

Please reference your name, Gift Code(s) and quantity.

If this is your first gift, please send us an email with your name and details so we can send you a tax receipt.

All gifts are fully tax-deductible.

E: [email protected] or click on the link and donate online.

Donate via credit card

    Givers Details


    Please choose a donation amount or use the 'other' option to enter your own amount. All amounts are in NZD.


    Are gifts tax-deductible?
    Yes, all gifts are fully tax-deductible

    Banking has changed in India, can the funds be remitted?
    Yes, our bank accounts are open, and funds are regularly being remitted.

    What % of gifts goes to the project?
    At least 80% of every gift goes directly to the project. Extra remittance is sent at the discretion of the board.