My Event
Every year we see incredible partners discovering innovative ways to raise funds to support our projects including running a marathon, hosting a clothes swap, organising an end of year dance.
All report it was loads of fun, a great way to share the story, and very fulfilling. For ideas to create YOUR personal fund-raiser, download our Fund-raising toolkit. We can provide you with posters and flyers to help make your fund-raiser a resounding success.
Email with ideas, suggestions or questions:
[email protected] / [email protected]
Ideas include:
Organise a fun run or walk-a-thon for your school or colleagues
Pledge your birthday – ask people to make a donation instead of bringing a gift
Take part in a PJ Day where you wear your pjs to work, school or uni
Register for a marathon
Hold a morning or afternoon tea and share about DFN
Put together an Art Exhibition
Host a karaoke night and charge a fee at the door
Hold a fashion show or clothes swap
Sausage sizzle at your local Bunnings store or community markets
Host a movie night – highest bidder gets to decide the movies you watch
Run a Christmas stall at local markets, school or church
Work lunch: bring a special dish and ask for donations
Challenge your friends to a trivia night
Hold a gala dinner or ball
Cupcake drive or Bake sale
Set your own physical challenge
Co-ordinate a group Garage sale or market stall
Give up coffee and donate the money you’d normally spend
Register for Upstream Challenge

We Need your Support
These women and children have the odds stacked against them from birth, but education and empowerment can restore their dreams and hopes, bringing transformation not only to them but to their families and to entire communities.